About the European Version of this game.
The Genius is called the Geo Genius.: The Europe Version is compelling.There is a geography game.this focus is on the continent of europe. The game presents The players with names of European cities or places that they must drag and drop on an unlabeled map of Europe to their accurate locations.
As players progress the game introduces lesser-known locations increasing in difficulty and testing the depth of their geographical knowledge. For a challenging and engaging game every level is synchronized encouraging quick and accurate decision making.
The Genius is called the Geo Genius.: European Version has a multiplayer mode. Players can compete in the least amount of time to identify and place locations on the map. Leaderboards monitor the highest scores and fastest times providing a competitive edge to the game.
In conclusion, there is a Genius.: The european Version is a comprehensive and fun way to learn about the geography of Europe. It’s competitive elements and increasingly challenging levels ensure a stimulating and engaging experience for players of all ages.