Info About Enery Efficient House
“Energy Efficient House” is an interactive learning activity that puts you in the role of a home designer. In this simulation, you choose different building materials and design features—like insulation types, window coverings, and window directions—to build a house that uses energy wisely. As you make your choices, you can see how they affect the house’s energy performance.
By experimenting with different design options, you learn how the right materials and layout can help reduce energy loss. The activity shows you an energy efficiency rating for your house, comparing it to a house with no insulation or design improvements. This hands-on experience helps you understand that smart design decisions can lead to lower energy costs and a more comfortable home.
Overall, “Energy Efficient House” is a fun and practical way to explore the concepts of sustainability and energy conservation. It encourages creative problem solving and shows how everyday choices can have a big impact on saving energy.