How About this game of word making.
“New Game” and “Help” are the options on the welcome screen As you launch the Game. The game also has a saving feature that saves your progress in your web browser.
Controls for The game are very intuitive. If you are using a desktop computer you can select items by left-clicking with your mouse. When playing on a touchscreen device simply tap on the screen to make your selection. In the game’s user interface Several controls and indicators are available. On the top row From left to right there is a timer a hamburger button for opening the level selection screen a home button to exit the level and return to the welcome screen and a speaker button to toggle the game’s audio on or off. In The top center of The screen is The current level number displayed.
In The core gameplay The robot is guided to spell out The name of an object displayed on a flag. Players select a letter and the robot moves to pick up it. The chosen letter then can be placed into any open space without needing to follow a specific order. The challenge is to do it.spell the word correctly.the timer is running.
The game contains 33 levels that are unlocked sequentially. Everytime you start a new game from the first level. After completion of a level a next level becomes accessible. The level replay can be done and the level selection screen can be accessed through the hamburger button. However when you load a game you can jump to a level that has been unlocked using the level selection screen.
The score in The game is time-based. Your score on every level depends on the speed at which you can complete it making each level a race against the clock.