Battle of the Zombies.
Click or tap on “Let’s Battle” To start the game. Choose the zombie of your choice. You can use the button enlarge in the top right corner to toggle between the full screen and the windowed mode.
On the desktop users can use their mouse to click on the correct answer. For those on the touchscreen just tap the desired answer.
You are positioned on the left side of the screen while your opponent is on the right. The game’s core consists of answers to on-screen addition questions to initiate attacks. You can find Your answers on the bottom row of the screen in the form of two choices. There is a time limit of 10 seconds for responding to the question.
When you answer correctly your opponent will be able to successfully attack you. A wrong response or a delay in answering will However result in your character being attacked. Runouts of hit points mean the game is over for you. How do i win?. The game is won if you outlast your opponent.