Find The Number (1 to 10 Only)

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About this 1 to 10 version of Find The Number Game

Starting the Game
Hello there! Want to play a fun numbers game? Start by clicking the play button on the welcome screen. Choose how challenging you want the game to be: Easy, Normal, or Hard. And don’t worry, your web browser remembers your best times for you.

Game Controls
If you’re playing on a computer, just use your mouse to click on a number when you see it. For those on phones or tablets, it’s simple too. Tap on a number when you spot it. On the top of your screen, you’ll see a timer and the next number you need to find. Beside them are two buttons: a leaderboard button to see top scores and a hamburger button that can pause your game. If you click on the hamburger button, a menu pops up. There’s a play button to continue your game, a home button to go back to the start, and a speaker button to control the game sounds.

Game Play
Ready to find some numbers? Look at the top center of your screen. It’ll tell you which number to find. But here’s the challenge: that number is hidden among other numbers! Once you find the right one, the game puts a colorful circle around it. Remember, you have to find numbers from 1 to 100, in order. In the easy mode, numbers just sit there waiting for you. But in normal and hard modes, they like to play hide and seek. After you pick a number, they shuffle around! And on hard mode? They even tilt and turn, making it tricky to tell some numbers apart. Keep finding them all in the right order to win. Once you’re done, check the leaderboard to see your best times and the highest number you found. Good luck!