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Pushing and Pulling

This pushing and pulling game will help kids understand new vocabulary in a proper way while doing some fun activity. Read the instruction and play the game when you are ready.

“Pushing and Pulling Assessment” is an interactive resource on our website that helps young learners explore and show what they know about forces—specifically, the ideas of pushing and pulling. In this assessment, students might be asked to look at pictures or listen to scenarios and decide whether an action is an example of pushing or pulling. They might also describe what happens when an object is pushed or pulled, helping them connect these ideas to everyday life.

The activity is designed in a way that makes learning about forces fun and hands-on. It often includes clear instructions, audio support, and feedback to help students understand the correct examples of these actions. Teachers can use it to assess students’ understanding and to spark discussions about how different forces work to move things around. Overall, it’s a practical tool for linking classroom science to real-world experiences.